The misty, dipterocarp forest. This picture did not do justice to the sheer size and astounding diversity of the different tree species here.
Two examples of winged fruit from Dipterocarpaceae, the second being from Shorea macrophylla a.k.a. Engkabang.
Underwater shot of fishes at the waterfall.
Nepenthes bicalcarata, with its distinctive lid and beautifully proportioned pitcher.
Musa sp.
Selaginella sp.
One of the terrestrial orchids encountered, Claderia viridiflora, which had a strong scent reminiscent of jasmines.
Coelogyne foerstermanii cluster high up on a tree, some in flower.
Appendicula sp. by a stream.
Fallen Coelogyne sp. (?)
Here are some other orchids that have been rescued from the site and are housed in a shaded area. Hopefully, these will continue to set seed, or be re-distributed somehow.
Acriopsis liliifolia
Robiquetia spathulata