Monday, March 24, 2014

A non-phal but Borneo-related orchid post

Managed to catch some orchids in bloom at Gunung Mulu National Park earlier this month. These orchids are wild but epiphytic ones are probably rescues from downed branches that are being grown around the park headquarters. The terrestial ones might actually be there willingly so it was fun to just walk around and look for blooms. Unfortunately, it was not blooming season for Phalaenopsis or Paphiopedilum so none were photographed.

This is Plocoglottis plicata and is my favourite orchid from Mulu. They are very common and are found everywhere around the park, including along the established trails. It is terrestrial and has these great intense white spots on the dark green foliage with bright yellow flowers.


Another terrestrial orchid from Mulu. This is Habenaria elatius and was found gorwing wild in the leaf litter.

A jewel orchid from Mulu, and this is most likely Dossinia marmorata.

There were two Bulbophyllum species in flower at Mulu this time and I actually caught one of these blooming in situ, during the canopy walk. The picture I took on the canopy walk was blurry but I found another one in flower on my walk and took a closeup: my guess is that this is Bulbophyllum auratum.

Still trying to ID these individuals so do leave a comment or PM me if you have any ideas for these.

1. Bulbophyllum sp.

2. Appendicula sp.

3. Flickingeria sp.

4. Liparis sp.

5. Appendicula sp.

6. Polystachya sp.